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simulation information that can be included outside of the process definitions because we
don't need them right now. Inside the definitions tag we will include our process
definition tags.
The <bpmn2:process> tag requires us to assign an ID to the process; depending on
the tooling, it will either let us create an executable process or not. In this case, the
isExecutable attribute is set to true by the tooling by default.
Once we are inside the process tag, we can start defining our flow objects. Keep in
mind that sometimes we may find that our activities are defined out of order inside the
XML file. We don't need to worry about this, but it's good to understand how the activities
are correlated. For this example, I've ordered the XML file so we can easily identify the
activity sequence.
The first flow object that we found inside our process is <bpmn2:startEvent> . This
is a very simple tag that represents the start event in our process. Notice that within the
startEvent tag, we will find a referent to the outgoing sequence flow that will be in
charge of propagating the execution to the businessRuleTask tag.
The <bpmn2:businessRuleTask> tag represents the interaction with the rule en-
gine. As you may notice, inside this tag, there is no reference at all to how this interaction
will happen or what information needs to be sent to the rule engine to be evaluated. As
you can see, this tag also allows us to assign a name to this activity, which is Assign
Story Points in this case.
The next activity in the process is the <bpmn2:userTask> tag, which contains the at-
tribute name set to Develop Requirement Code . Until this point, we are only say-
ing that there will be a human interaction. However, the process definition doesn't include
any reference to any role in charge of performing the task or to any information that needs
to be exchanged in order to complete the activity. We will need to include all this informa-
tion in order to have a fully executable process.
The <bpmn2:task> tag represents the interaction with an external system (external
from the process engine perspective). In this case, the tasks named Compile Project
into Maven and Deploy Compiled Project will be in charge of contacting a
specific service that the development area uses to compile and deploy assets automatic-
ally. This generic task will identify the specific external system connection by an attribute
called drools:taskName , which will define a key to register a software component to
handle the external system communication later on at runtime.
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