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14. Remove the optical probe when the ICP monitoring is done,
and fi ll the burr hole with bone wax.
15. Remove the retractor and suture the skin using 3-0 Dermalon
4. Advantages
and Limitations
4.1. Advantages
1. Ventricular catheter is an accurate method for ICP monitoring.
2. Ventricular catheter measures global ICP and allows therapeutic
drainage of cerebrospinal fl uid.
3. Small size optic fi ber probe has rapid response time and can be
accurately positioned.
4. Easy to fi x the ventricular catheter to the skull.
1. Ventricular catheter penetrates the meninges and brain. It is an
invasive method for monitoring ICP.
2. Insertion may be diffi cult when there is compression or shift of
3. Potential risks of misplacement, infection, and hemorrhage.
4.2. Limitations
1. Smith M (2008) Monitoring intracranial pres-
sure in traumatic brain injury. Anesth Analg
2. Barth KN, Onesti ST, Krauss WE, Solomon RA
(1992) A simple and reliable technique to
monitor intracranial pressure in the rat: techni-
cal note. Neurosurgery 30:138-140
3. Giulioni M, Ursino M, Gallerani M, Cavalcanti
S, Paolini F, Cerisoli M, Alvisi C (1986)
Epidural pressure measurement in the rat.
J Neurosurg Sci 30:177-181
4. Rahimifar M, Tator CH, Shanlin RJ, Sole MJ
(1989) Effect of blood transfusion, dopamine,
or normal saline on neurogenic shock second-
ary to acutely raised intracranial pressure.
J Neurosurg 70:932-941
5. Mandell EC, Zimmermann E (1980)
Continuous measurement of cerebrospinal
fl uid pressure in unrestrained rats. Physiol
Behav 24:399-402
6. Kusaka G, Calvert JW, Smelley C, Nanda A,
Zhang JH (2004) New lumbar method for
monitoring cerebrospinal fl uid pressure in rats.
J Neurosci Methods 135:121-127
7. Lee JY, Sagher O, Keep R, Hua Y, Xi G (2009)
Comparison of experimental rat models of
early brain injury after subarachnoid hemor-
rhage. Neurosurgery 65:331-343, discussion
8. Zhong J, Dujovny M, Park HK, Perez E, Perlin
AR, Diaz FG (2003) Advances in ICP moni-
toring techniques. Neurol Res 25:339-350
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