Biology Reference
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Chapter 44
Assessment of Intracellular Calcium in Cerebral
Artery Myocytes
Matthew A. Nystoriak , Masayo Koide , and George C. Wellman
Vascular tone and consequently, cerebral blood fl ow, are regulated by the concentration of global cytosolic
Ca 2+ (global [Ca 2+ ] i ) in vascular smooth muscle. Global [Ca 2+ ] i is, in part, regulated by discrete Ca 2+ release
events from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca 2+ sparks) which activate plasma membrane large conductance
Ca 2+ -activated K + channels to cause membrane potential hyperpolarization, decreased global [Ca 2+ ] i , and
vasodilation. We have previously observed decreased Ca 2+ spark frequency and elevated global [Ca 2+ ] i in
cerebral artery myocytes using a rabbit model of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Here, we describe and discuss
laboratory methods and procedures using the fl uorescent Ca 2+ indicator dyes fura-2 and fl uo-4 to assess
global and local Ca 2+ signaling in cerebral arteries and isolated vascular myocytes.
Key words: Fura-2, Fluo-4, Ca 2+ sparks, Vascular smooth muscle, Subarachnoid hemorrhage
1. Introduction
The cerebral circulation delivers constant blood fl ow to the brain
over a broad range of physiological blood pressures. To achieve
this remarkable phenomenon, cerebral arteries must actively con-
strict to elevations in blood pressure and dilate when blood pres-
sure drops. In cerebral resistance arteries and arterioles, the
constriction (myogenic tone) response to graded increases in intra-
vascular pressure is dependent on membrane potential depolariza-
tion, enhanced Ca 2+ infl ux via L-type voltage-dependent Ca 2+
channels (VDCCs) and elevated global cytosolic Ca 2+ (global
[Ca 2+ ] i ) ( 1, 2 ). Global [Ca 2+ ] i represents average Ca 2+ levels
throughout the cytoplasm and mediates contraction of smooth
muscle via Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent activation of myosin light
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