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chain kinase, myosin light chain phosphorylation and actin-myosin
interaction ( 3 ). Thus, global [Ca 2+ ] i directly regulates the contrac-
tile state of vascular smooth muscle and therefore dictates cerebral
vascular tone and blood fl ow.
The discovery of spatially localized, transient calcium release
events (Ca 2+ sparks) has altered the view that an elevation of global
[Ca 2+ ] i is the only effective mode of calcium signaling in smooth
muscle ( 4-6 ). Calcium sparks result from the opening of a cluster
of ryanodine receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) mem-
brane, causing a highly restricted (1% of the cell volume) and large
M) increase in local Ca 2+ with little direct effect on global [Ca 2+ ] i
( 5, 7 ). In vascular smooth muscle, Ca 2+ sparks are functionally cou-
pled to nearby large conductance Ca 2+ -activated K + (BK) channels
located on the plasma membrane ( 6, 8 ). Elevation of intracellular
Ca 2+ causes a shift in the voltage-dependence of BK channel activa-
tion to more negative membrane potentials effectively leading to
increased channel open probability ( 9 ). Increased Ca 2+ spark activ-
ity therefore leads to enhanced BK channel activity, membrane
potential hyperpolarization, decreased global [Ca 2+ ] i , and smooth
muscle relaxation. Ca 2+ spark activity is increased by vasodilators,
such as nitric oxide and forskolin, and by elevations in cytosolic
and SR calcium ( 10, 11 ). Thus, Ca 2+ sparks act as an important
negative feedback mechanism to oppose vasoconstriction by pro-
moting a reduction in VDCC activity and a decrease in global
[Ca 2+ ] i .
Considering the pivotal role that vascular smooth muscle Ca 2+
plays in the regulation of cerebral blood fl ow, precise measure-
ment of local and global Ca 2+ signaling in these cells is essential for
understanding pathologies characterized by abnormal vascular
tone, such as aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). With
respect to SAH-induced “classical” or “angiographic” vasospasm,
observed in large diameter conduit arteries on the brain surface,
the role of elevated global [Ca 2+ ] i is unclear and controversial ( 12 ).
However, recent evidence suggests that enhanced constriction of
much smaller “resistance” arteries and arterioles (<200
m in
diameter) following SAH is associated with increased global [Ca 2+ ] i
and enhanced VDCC activity ( 13 ). Further, Ca 2+ spark activity is
decreased in cerebral arteries by the blood component oxyhemo-
globin ( 14 ) and Ca 2+ spark frequency is reduced in cerebral artery
myocytes isolated from SAH model animals ( 13, 15 ). In this chap-
ter, we discuss the properties of two fl uorescent Ca 2+ indicator
dyes, fura-2 and fl uo-4, that enable the measurement of global
[Ca 2+ ] i and Ca 2+ sparks, respectively, in cerebral artery myocytes.
Further, we provide details of specifi c protocols used in our labo-
ratory to assess global and local signaling in the cerebral
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