Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2. ( a ) LASCA images before ( left ) and after ( right ) cerebrovascular reactivity testing through acetazolamide application
in a C57/BL6 mouse 6 h after experimental SAH. The speckle contrast is displayed in a color-coded real-time matrix. Tissue
perfusion in the arbitrary unit fl ux can be referenced to the legend on the right-hand side . The fl ux values are calculated in
the left and right hemispheric ROI and plotted over time. ( b ) Real-time CBF-fl ux in two regions of interest. The straight and
dashed line refer to the mean fl ux value within the rectangular left- and right-hemispheric ROIs before and after acetazo-
lamide is given to increase cortical CBF. The CBF-fl ux values are plotted over time ( x -axis).
2.2. Instruments
and Materials for
Surgical Preparation
To surgically expose the scalp, the following instruments are
recommended (Fig. 3 ):
Small surgical scissors and microscissors
2.2.1. Instruments
Forceps (anatomical and microsurgical)
Needle driver
Surgical microscope (optional)
Fur trimmer/razor
In addition, the following materials are required:
2.2.2. Materials
Portable surface/pad for mobile positioning of the mouse
Temperature-controlled heating pad
4× Silk sutures (6/0)
1× Nylon suture (6/0)
Cotton swabs
Sterile saline irrigation
Paraffi n oil
Alcoholic disinfectant
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