Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
B. Pampas
C. Prairie
D. Steppes
E. Veld
16. Which of the following is the greatest overall threat to the survival of terrestrial species?
A. Habitat loss
B. Resource extraction
C. Introduction of nonnative species
D. Overgrazing
E. Pollution
17. Which of the following is the greatest overall threat to the survival of aquatic species?
A. Acidification of the water
B. Global climate change
C. Habitat loss
D. Overharvesting
E. Pollution
18. Every ten years, the United States conducts a census that is the actual count of the population at the
given date. All the following are reasons for conducting the census EXCEPT:
A. To allocate federal funds
B. To distribute subsides given to agriculture, mining, forestry, and other businesses
C. To redistribute the federal House of Representatives
D. To abide by the U.S. Constitution
E. To redistrict in states for local, state, and federal elections for elected government officials
19. Which of the following is an argument against genetically modified foods?
I. Unknown long-term effects on human health
II. Built-in resistance to pests
III. Destruction of native food sources
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. I and III only
20. Which method of tree harvesting causes the most damage to an ecosystem?
A. Strip cutting
B. Shelter wood harvesting
C. Selective harvesting
D. Seed tree harvesting
E. Clear cutting
Questions 21-23 refer to the following answer choices.
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