Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
A. Love Canal
B. Union Carbide Chemical Co., Bhopal
C. Cuyahoga River
D. Lake Erie
E. Exxon Valdez
21. In upstate New York, chemicals were buried underground. Eventually the land was sold to a school and
houses were built in the area.
22. High concentrations of phosphates, nitrates, and other chemicals from heavy industry led to eutrophic-
ation and large fish die-offs.
23. Heavy oil, trash, debris, and other floating chemicals caught fire in 1969. This incident was covered in
Time magazine.
24. Which of the following best explains why CAFE standards were created?
A. To establish minimum standards for car mileage per gallon of fuel for all manufactured vehicles
B. To establish minimum standards for the percentage of a population using public transportation
(such as buses and light rail)
C. To establish minimum standards for car mileage per gallon of fuel only
D. To establish minimum standards for average fuel usage per weight of cargo for the transportation of
goods via large trucks and trains
E. To establish minimum standards for fuel usage per passenger in air travel
25. Which of the following is considered mainly an indoor air pollutant?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Formaldehyde
D. Nitrous oxide
E. Sulfur dioxide
26. Genetic pollution is a relatively new term and refers to which of the following?
A. The cross-contamination of plant genes into animals
B. Research involving genetically modified organisms in which genes from an animal are crossed with
that of an unrelated animal species
C. The cross of genetically modified organisms with other species in a research facility
D. The unintended spread of genes from genetically modified organisms to natural organisms
E. Research involving genetically modified organisms in which genes from a plant are crossed with
that of an unrelated plant species
27. Which of the following set of reactions shows the depletion of ozone by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)?
A. O 2 + UVC → O + O
O + O 2 → O 3
B. CFC + UV radiation → CFC + Cl
Cl + O 3 → ClO + O 2
ClO + O 3 → Cl + 2 O 2
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