Environmental Engineering Reference
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Then convert it to a percent by multiplying by 100.
• 1 point: The answer is a -3 percent natural growth rate.
C. List and explain another statistic used by demographers to predict the population growth of a country
(1 point maximum):
• 1 point: Rate of natural increase reflects changes in crude birth and death rates.
• 1 point: Infant mortality rate, which is the number of deaths of children under the age of 1 year old,
per 1,000 individuals born.
• 1 point: Replacement fertility level (the total fertility rate that is necessary to maintain a stable popu-
D. Explain why the extinct civilization of Easter Island is considered a warning for modern society (4
points maximum):
• 1 point: The inhabitants of Easter Island met their demise because of their unsustainable use of the
island's resources, specifically the trees.
• 1 point: Modern society has the very real potential for similar overuse, as resources can be consumed
at a faster pace than they regenerate.
• 1 point: The Earth contains both finite and renewable resources. Supplies of resources such as miner-
als and fossil fuels will eventually run out, necessitating the development of alternatives. Resources
that are considered renewable must be used sustainably in order to ensure enough for future genera-
• 1 point: If modern society does not learn from the demise of Easter Island, the planet's entire popula-
tion could end up in the same situation as the island's inhabitants.
E. Describe two ways in which population growth can be slowed (2 points maximum):
• 1 point: Family planning programs.
• 1 point: Increased education about and use of contraception.
• 1 point: Shift in cultural norms (reduction in socially expected family size).
• 1 point: Female empowerment.
• 1 point: Female employment opportunities.
• 1 point: Enforced government regulations on births per family, such as China's one-child policy.
3. This question is worth a maximum of 10 points, as follows:
A. What makes POPs so dangerous when released into the environment? (2 points maximum):
• 1 point: POPs are persistent in the environment.
• 1 point: POPs bio-accumulate in tissue and bio-magnify in the food chain.
• 1 point: POPs travel long distances via the atmosphere and water.
B. Explain two ways in which POPs are harmful to humans and wildlife (2 points maximum):
• 1 point: POPs can cause diseases such as cancer.
• 1 point: POPs can create reproductive abnormalities.
• 1 point: POPs can cause neurological issues.
• 1 point: POPs can act as endocrine disruptors.
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