Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• 1 point: Corals are extremely sensitive to water temperature, which is warming due to global climate
B. Discuss the process of coral bleaching and its impact on coral reefs (4 points maximum):
• 2 points: Coral lives in a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthalae, an alga. The coral provides shel-
ter and habitat for the zooxanthalae and the alga provides food for the coral through photosynthesis.
Coral bleaching occurs when the zooxanthalae leave the coral, frequently as a result of excess pollu-
tion or warming water temperatures.
• 2 points: This can leave the coral devoid of nutrients and may lead to the death of the coral. The
reason this is considered bleaching is because the resulting dead coral loses its color and is white.
C. What are two ways in which coral reefs can be protected from future destruction? (2 points maxim-
• 1 point: The proper disposal of trash and waste products.
• 1 point: Reduction in overall water and air pollution starting at the source of pollution.
• 1 point: Consumers ceasing to purchase coral products, such as for souvenirs or to stock aquariums,
which will eventually reduce harvesting.
• 1 point: Anchor boats away from reefs.
• 1 point: Encouraging tourists to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of the reefs without touching or
• 1 point: Fishing in areas not located near a reef.
• 1 point: Reduce fertilizer use and, thus, chemical runoff that can negatively impact coral reefs.
D. Explain the importance of protecting coral reefs (2 points maximum):
• 1 point: Coral reefs provide habitat for a wide range of organisms, offering a variety of niches, food,
and shelter.
• 1 point: Coral reefs are considered areas of high primary productivity, contributing to the biod-
iversity of the oceans.
• 1 point: Reefs protect the shorelines by reducing the impact of waves and storms.
• 1 point: The reefs provide breeding grounds for organisms.
• 1 point: Coral helps to control carbon dioxide in the oceans.
2. This question is worth a maximum of 10 points, as follows:
A. Calculate the doubling time for the population of Kuwait (1 point maximum):
• 1 point: To calculate the doubling time of a population, use the equation 70 ÷ annual growth rate. If
Kuwait is growing at a rate of 3.6 percent annually, the answer is found as follows: 70 ÷ 3.6 = 19.4.
This means the population will double in a little over 19 years.
B. Calculate the natural growth rate for a country with a birth rate of 350 out of 1,000 and a death rate
of 380 out of 1,000 (2 points maximum):
• 1 point: Use the following equation to find the population's natural growth rate:
Natural Growth Rate per 1,000 Individuals = Crude Birth Rate - Crude Death Rate
The answer is then multiplied by 100 to convert it to a percent.
For the question, calculate as follows:
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