Environmental Engineering Reference
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1. The gasoline stored in tanks at the gas station contains which type of energy?
2. Which type of energy involves both fusion and fission?
3. Which type of energy comes to our homes through wires?
4. The loss of energy in subsequent levels of a food web is due to which of the following?
A. First Law of Thermodynamics
B. Second Law of Thermodynamics
C. Law of Conservation
D. Law of Conservation of Mass
E. Law of Conservation of Momentum
5. Energy consumption is divided into four categories: industry, transportation, residential, and commer-
cial. Which of the following is NOT part of the transportation sector?
A. Air, rail, roads, and waterways
B. Services such as law and medical
C. Personal vehicles such as automobiles, bicycles, and motorcycles
D. Operations including the financing, legalities, and policies for vehicles
E. The infrastructure of roads and railways
6. Which fuel source is NOT being considered for future energy use?
A. Clean coal
B. Methane hydrates
C. Oil shale
D. Petroleum
E. Tar sands
7. Which of the following is NOT considered a fossil fuel?
A. Graphite
B. Coal
C. Petroleum
D. Natural gas
E. Methane hydrates
8. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of coal production?
A. High net-energy yield
B. Subsidies to keep the prices low
C. Non-explosiveness
D. Estimated large supply of undiscovered reserves
E. Decreased biodiversity
9. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of nuclear power?
A. No air pollutants are produced.
B. Decommissioning is expensive.
C. Water pollution is low.
D. Little carbon dioxide is released during processing.
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