Biology Reference
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Plate 4.2, 4.3 ( Continued )
mild-to-moderate local effects (e.g., edema of varying severity,
local bleeding, mild ecchymoses, and, uncommonly, minor blisters; see Tables 4.1 and 4.3 , and
Section 4.2).
Plate 4.2 (A-D) Puerto Rican racer, culebra corredora puertorriqueña [ Alsophis
( Borikenophis ) portoricensis ].
Plate 4.2 (E and F) Puerto Rican racer [ Alsophis ( Borikenophis ) portoricensis ] responsible
for the bite shown in Plate 4.4.
Plate 4.2A, photo copyright to Gad Perry; Plate 4.2B-D, photos copyright to Robert Powell;
Plate 4.2E and F, Mosquito Island, United States Virgin Islands, photos copyright to Kevel
Plate 4.3 (A-C) Dominica racer, Antilles racer ( Alsophis sibonius ). This species was
previously considered a subspecies of A. antillensis ( A. a. sibonius Cope), but was raised to a
full species by Hedges et al. (2009). There are no documented cases of bites by this species.
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