Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
/* state the resources this cape uses */
exclusive - use =
/* the pin header uses */
"P9.20" ,
/* the hardware IP uses */
"gpio0_12" ;
fragment @ 0 {
target = <& am33xx_pinmux >;
__overlay__ {
dallas_w1_pins : pinmux_dallas_w1_pins {
pinctrl - single , pins = <
0x150 0x37 >;
fragment @ 1 {
target = <& ocp >;
__overlay__ {
onewire @ 0 {
= "w1-gpio" ;
pinctrl - names
= "default" ;
pinctrl - 0
= <& dallas_w1_pins >;
= "okay" ;
gpios = <& gpio1 2 0 >;
Then run the following commands:
bone# dtc -O dtb -o BB-W1-00A0.dtbo -b 0 -@ BB-W1-00A0.dts
bone# cp BB-W1-00A0.dtbo /lib/firmware/
bone# echo BB-W1 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots
Now run the following command to discover the serial number on your device:
bone# ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/
28-00000114ef1b 28-00000128197d w1_bus_master1
This shows the serial numbers for all the devices.
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