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Finally, add the code in Example 2-14 in to a file named onewire.js , edit the path assigned
to w1 so that the path points to your device, and then run it.
Example 2-14. Reading a temperature with a DS18B20 (onewire.js)
#!/usr/bin/env node
var b = require ( 'bonescript' );
var w1 = "/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-00000114ef1b/w1_slave"
setInterval ( getTemp , 1000 );
// read temperatue every 1000ms
function getTemp () {
b . readTextFile ( w1 , printStatus );
function printStatus ( x ) {
console . log ( 'x.data = ' + x . data );
console . log ( 'x.err = ' + x . err );
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