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Creating a process WSDL
You'll now create the partner link that represents the process itself so that you can invoke it
from a client. That means wrapping the process in a WSDL.
Right-click on the Process Files folder of your BPEL project and select New WSDL Docu-
ment. In the Name field, type CustomerProcessEsb . Change the target namespace field to .
You need to make the schema element types available to this WSDL so that you can map
them to the service on their way in and out from the client. So check the Import XML Schema
File(s) box and browse to the file that contains the schema your partner process uses.
Check the box in the Import column next to the CustomerLookupService.xsd_1.xsdfile. In
the Prefix column value, change “ns0” to “csl”. Doing this in the IDE generates the following:
<xsd:import namespace="urn:com:soacookbook"
Hit Enter and click OK. Now you'll specify elements of the Abstract WSDL (which means the
port type and its operations along with their required messages) This is shown in Figure 9-3 .
Create the inputs and outputs that match what your process requires. Here you'll specify a
customer ID and return a name for that customer that differentiates these variable names from
the ones the web service expects. This will become clearer when you map them.
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