Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Metro comes with some tools that are newer versions of the ones that come with the JDK, and some
of these are also in Glassfish. For example, the wsimport tool that comes with Java SE 1.6.0_05 is
version 2.1.1. However, invoking > wsimport -version from within the <glassfish-home>/bin
directory shows “JAX-WS RI 2.1.3-hudson-390-” after installing Metro. It's important to keep your
paths straight while using these tools!
This solution assumes that you already have a recent version of Glassfish running locally. It is
available at . Glassfish 9.1 update 1, Metro 1.3, and JDK 1.6.0_05
were used to test the examples I've written for this topic. If you do not want to use Glassfish,
Metro also works with Tomcat, JBoss, and WebLogic.
Using Metro 1.3 in Maven
Here are the dependencies to add to your pom.xmlif you are using Maven 2 to build your web
service and you want to use extra features in Metro:
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