Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure4-5.Metro: the Java web services stack
In addition to implementing these important specifications, Metro also provides certain con-
veniences. For example, it offers a single annotation that allows you to perform schema val-
idation against incoming and outgoing message payloads. Metro gives you support for REST
via the Jersey project, as well as Spring and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) integration.
Here's how to get Metro:
1. Download the most recent stable build from .
2. In a console, navigate to the directory you downloaded it to.
3. Execute > java -jar metro-installer.jar . Agree to the license. The installer will
expand a directory containing a variety of samples and documentation, as well as a few
JARs in the libdirectory.
4. Navigate to the directory the installer created and run the appropriate Ant script for your
platform. First, get the location of your Glassfish home and set that variable on the com-
mand. Run wsit-on-glassfish.xmlas follows:
> ant -Denv.AS_HOME=C:\\programs/glassfishv2ur1 -f
You should see that some files were copied and the installation was successful. After restart,
the latest version of Metro should now be available for your Glassfish domains.
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