Java Reference
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while (boolean_expression);
That is, the boolean expression is evaluated after the block of instructions,
and not prior to its execution, a s it is the case for while structures. Consider
computing the square root a of a non-negative number a using Newton's
method. Newton's method finds the closest root to a given initial condition x 0
of a smooth function by iterating the following process: Evaluate the tangent
equation of the function at x 0 , and intersect this tangent line with the x -axis:
This gives the new value x 1 . Repeat this process until the difference between
two successive steps go beyond a prescribed threshold (or alternatively, repeat
k times this process). For a given value x n , we thus find the next value x n +1
by setting the y -ordinate of the tangent line at ( x n ,f ( x n )) to 0:
y = f ( x n )( x
x n )+ f ( x n )=0 .
y = f ( x )
Tangent line
y = f ( x n )( x − x n )+ f ( x n )
f ( x n )
x n +2
x n +1
x n +1 = x n
x n
f ( x )
f ( x n )
Figure 2.3 Newton's method for finding the root of a function
It follows that we get:
f ( x )
f ( x n ) .
Figure 2.3 illustrates this root finding process. Let us use Newton's method to
calculate the square root function of a by finding the root of equation f ( x )=
x 2
x n +1 = x n
a . We implement the loop using a do structure as follows:
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