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Program 2.4 Euclid's Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
class GCD
public static void main( String [ ]
arg )
int a;
int b;
while (a!=b)
if (a > b) a=a b;
else b=b a;
System . out . println (a) ; // or b since a=b
Running this program for a =30and b = 105 yields GCD( a, b ) = 15.
Euclid's algorithm has a nice geometric interpretation: Consider an initial
rectangle of width a and height b . Bisect this rectangle as follows: Choose
the smallest side, and remove a square of that side from the current rectangle.
Repeat this process until we get a square: The side length of that square is the
GCD of the initial numbers. Figure 2.2 depicts this “squaring” process.
Figure 2.2 Age-
ometric interpretation
of Euclid's algorithm.
Here, illustrated for
a =65and b =25
(GCD( a, b )=5)
2.4.2 Loop statement: do-while
Java provides another slightly different syntax for making iterations: the do
loop statement. The difference with a while statement is that we execute at
least once the sequence of instructions in a do statement, whereas this might not
be the case of a while statement, depending on the evaluation of the boolean
predicate. The syntax of a do structure is as follows:
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