Java Reference
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7.2.10 Common mistakes when programming lists
Programming linked lists involves handling objects that define structure cells.
Since the tail is defined as the cell having its next field set to null ,thiscan
cause a problem for some code like:
result+=list .name+ "-->" ;
list=list .next;
We need to be sure that variable list is never the object since we cannot
access fields of the null object. Trying to do so will raise an exception (called
here nullPointerException ). Thus in general, take particular care when
performing tests like if (currentCell!= null ) ... to detect whether the current
object currentCell is the null object or not, before accessing its fields. For
example, we better rewrite the static head function as follows:
static int head( List
l i s t )
{ if (list!= null )
return list .container;
return 1;
7.3 Recursion on linked lists
By its very nature defined in the abstract framework, the “self-definition” of
lists yields practical recursive algorithms for designing various tasks. Codes for
these algorithms are usually very compact. For example, let us revisit the static
length function previously described above. We design a recursive function by
considering as a terminal case the null list that is of length 0. Otherwise we
return one plus the length of the linked list anchored at the tail for the current
cell. This gives the following compact code:
Program 7.10 Recursive function for computing the length of a list
static int lengthRec(ListString
list )
// terminal case?
if (list== null )
return 0;
return 1+l e n g t h R e c ( l i s t . n e x t ) ;
Let us attach this static function on class ListString by inserting the code inside
the body of the class. Then we display at the output console the length of list
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