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myList by executing the following instruction:
System.out.println(ListString .lengthRec(myList));
Similarly, we can rewrite with a recursive the previous functions, such as the
belongToRec function that returns a boolean stating whether a given element
is inside a list or not:
Program 7.11 Recursive membership function
static boolean belongToRec(String s , ListString
list )
if (list== null ) return false ;
{ if (s.equals(list .name))
return true ;
return belongToRec(s , l i s t . next ) ;
The recursive display procedure is written as:
Program 7.12 Recursive display of a list
static void DisplayRec(ListString
list )
{ if (list== null )
System . out . println ( "null" );
{ System . out . print ( l i s t .name+ "-->" );
DisplayRec( l i s t . next) ;
Note that if we choose to call function DisplayRec before printing on the console
the current cell by interchanging the two lines in the else-case as follows:
Program 7.13 Reversed recursive display of a list
static void DisplayRecRev(ListString
list )
{ if (list== null )
System . out . print ( "null" );
{ DisplayRecRev ( l i s t . next ) ;
System . out . print ( "<--" +list .name) ;
Then because of the mechanism of the function call stack, the list will be
displayed from the tail to its head. Indeed, the first word written to the output
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