Java Reference
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If you're experiencing déjà vu right now, that's probably because you have seen this
scheme before. This is exactly how events are handled in Swing, the AWT, and JavaBeans.
The AWT runs in a separate thread from the rest of the program. Components and
beans inform you of events by calling back to methods declared in particular interfaces,
such as ActionListener and PropertyChangeListener . Your listener objects register
their interests in events fired by particular components using methods in the Compo
nent class, such as addActionListener() and addPropertyChangeListener() . Inside
the component, the registered listeners are stored in a linked list built out of
java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster objects. More generally this is known as the Observ‐
er design pattern.
Futures, Callables, and Executors
Java 5 introduced a new approach to multithreaded programming that makes it some‐
what easier to handle callbacks by hiding the details. Instead of directly creating a thread,
you create an ExecutorService that will create threads for you as needed. You submit
Callable jobs to the ExecutorService and for each one you get back a Future . At a
later point, you can ask the Future for the result of the job. If the result is ready, you get
it immediately. If it's not ready, the polling thread blocks until it is ready. The advantage
is that you can spawn off many different threads, then get the answers you need in the
order you need them.
For example, suppose you need to find the maximum value in a large array of numbers.
Implemented naively, this takes O(n) time where n is the number of elements in the
array. However, you can go faster than that if you split the work into multiple threads,
each running on a separate core. For purposes of illustration, let's assume two threads
are desired.
The Callable interface defines a single call() method that can generically return any
type. Example 3-9 is a Callable that finds the maximum value in a subsection of an
array in the most obvious way possible.
Example 3-9. FindMaxTask
import java.util.concurrent.Callable ;
class FindMaxTask implements Callable < Integer > {
private int [] data ;
private int start ;
private int end ;
FindMaxTask ( int [] data , int start , int end ) {
this . data = data ;
this . start = start ;
this . end = end ;
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