Java Reference
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public Integer call () {
int max = Integer . MIN_VALUE ;
for ( int i = start ; i < end ; i ++) {
if ( data [ i ] > max ) max = data [ i ];
return max ;
Although you could invoke the call() method directly, that is not its purpose. Instead,
you submit Callable objects to an Executor that spins up a thread for each one. (There
are other strategies an Executor could use—for instance, it could use a single thread to
invoke the callables in order—but one thread per callable is a good strategy for this
problem.) Example 3-10 demonstrates.
Example 3-10. MultithreadedMaxFinder
import java.util.concurrent.* ;
public class MultithreadedMaxFinder {
public static int max ( int [] data ) throws InterruptedException , ExecutionException {
if ( data . length == 1 ) {
return data [ 0 ];
} else if ( data . length == 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
// split the job into 2 pieces
FindMaxTask task1 = new FindMaxTask ( data , 0 , data . length / 2 );
FindMaxTask task2 = new FindMaxTask ( data , data . length / 2 , data . length );
// spawn 2 threads
ExecutorService service = Executors . newFixedThreadPool ( 2 );
Future < Integer > future1 = service . submit ( task1 );
Future < Integer > future2 = service . submit ( task2 );
return Math . max ( future1 . get (), future2 . get ());
Each subarray is searched at the same time, so on suitable hardware and a large input
this program can run almost twice as fast. Nonetheless, the code is almost as simple and
straightforward as finding the maximum in the first half of the array and then finding
the maximum in the second half of the array, without ever worrying about threads or
asynchronicity. However, there's one key difference. In the last statement of
Example 3-10 , when future1.get() is called, the method blocks and waits for the first
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