Java Reference
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allow each channel to run at its own speed. For example, recall the single-file HTTP
server in Example 9-10 . Reimplemented with channels and buffers as shown in
Example 11-6 , NonblockingSingleFileHTTPServer , the single file to serve is stored in
one constant, read-only buffer. Every time a client connects, the program makes a du‐
plicate of this buffer just for that channel, which is stored as the channel's attachment.
Without duplicates, one client has to wait until the other finishes so the original buffer
can be rewound. Duplicates enable simultaneous buffer reuse.
Example 11-6. A nonblocking HTTP server that serves one file
import* ;
import java.nio.* ;
import java.nio.channels.* ;
import java.nio.charset.* ;
import java.nio.file.* ;
import java.util.* ;
import* ;
public class NonblockingSingleFileHTTPServer {
private ByteBuffer contentBuffer ;
private int port = 80 ;
public NonblockingSingleFileHTTPServer (
ByteBuffer data , String encoding , String MIMEType , int port ) {
this . port = port ;
String header = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
+ "Server: NonblockingSingleFileHTTPServer\r\n"
+ "Content-length: " + data . limit () + "\r\n"
+ "Content-type: " + MIMEType + "\r\n\r\n" ;
byte [] headerData = header . getBytes ( Charset . forName ( "US-ASCII" ));
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer . allocate (
data . limit () + headerData . length );
buffer . put ( headerData );
buffer . put ( data );
buffer . flip ();
this . contentBuffer = buffer ;
public void run () throws IOException {
ServerSocketChannel serverChannel = ServerSocketChannel . open ();
ServerSocket serverSocket = serverChannel . socket ();
Selector selector = Selector . open ();
InetSocketAddress localPort = new InetSocketAddress ( port );
serverSocket . bind ( localPort );
serverChannel . configureBlocking ( false );
serverChannel . register ( selector , SelectionKey . OP_ACCEPT );
while ( true ) {
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