Java Reference
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selector . select ();
Iterator < SelectionKey > keys = selector . selectedKeys (). iterator ();
while ( keys . hasNext ()) {
SelectionKey key = keys . next ();
keys . remove ();
try {
if ( key . isAcceptable ()) {
ServerSocketChannel server = ( ServerSocketChannel ) key . channel ();
SocketChannel channel = server . accept ();
channel . configureBlocking ( false );
channel . register ( selector , SelectionKey . OP_READ );
} else if ( key . isWritable ()) {
SocketChannel channel = ( SocketChannel ) key . channel ();
ByteBuffer buffer = ( ByteBuffer ) key . attachment ();
if ( buffer . hasRemaining ()) {
channel . write ( buffer );
} else { // we're done
channel . close ();
} else if ( key . isReadable ()) {
// Don't bother trying to parse the HTTP header.
// Just read something.
SocketChannel channel = ( SocketChannel ) key . channel ();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer . allocate ( 4096 );
channel . read ( buffer );
// switch channel to write-only mode
key . interestOps ( SelectionKey . OP_WRITE );
key . attach ( contentBuffer . duplicate ());
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
key . cancel ();
try {
key . channel (). close ();
catch ( IOException cex ) {}
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
if ( args . length == 0 ) {
System . out . println (
"Usage: java NonblockingSingleFileHTTPServer file port encoding" );
return ;
try {
// read the single file to serve
String contentType =
URLConnection . getFileNameMap (). getContentTypeFor ( args [ 0 ]);
Path file = FileSystems . getDefault (). getPath ( args [ 0 ]);
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