Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.2 Felix Mendelssohn String Quartet No.1, Op. 12
sourCe: WWW.MusiCopen.orG
design should follow accepted drawing conventions in order that the
information can be readily seen or visualized by others: other designers,
clients, government agency staff, and contractors. Thus, the graphic sym-
bols of landscape architects are used to present instructions so that the
client, contractors, and government plan reviewer can interpret the
design intent correctly. A good set of drawings is particularly critical for
the contractors, whose reading and understanding of the drawings
should result in minimal misunderstanding while they prepare a com-
petitive construction cost estimate and during the construction of the
project. Similarly, when standard drawing conventions are applied, gov-
ernment agency reviewers will more likely be able to interpret the draw-
ings submitted to facilitate approval of the proposed design.
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