Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Catch Basin
Figures 11.22-a and 11.22-B Two parking lots with different approaches for directing surface water
hoW to create a LeveL area on
SLopinG Ground
One of the common tasks in grading is to create a level area on sloping
ground to accommodate a building structure. The first step in the pro-
cess is to establish an elevation for the level area. A good
place to start is to set the elevation somewhere close to
the elevation of the middle ground of the slope. For
instance, if the contours where you intend to create the
level area are between 101 and 105, you might set the
level area at elevation 102.5. After working to develop a
solution using 102.5, you might find that setting the ele-
vation a foot 1 higher or lower may work out better for a
variety of reasons that become evident as you work to
devise a solution using 102.5.
Once a working elevation is established for the level
area, the next steps involve redrawing and modifying the
existing contours, first to create the level area and second
to direct the surface drainage of water around the level
Figure 11.23 Plan and section views
representing the use of contours to cre-
ate level surfaces
1 You may raise or lower the elevation less than one foot, or alternatively two or more feet, depend-
ing on your design intent and site limitations.
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