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shows the photograph of an urban plaza with amphitheater seating.
Although these are projects from different parts of the world, the mod-
el-like look of the two amphitheaters is apparent. In the two cases, the
stepped or terraced seating roughly parallels what could be actual con-
tour lines.
Figure 7.6 Swale with contours along a university access road
Figures 7.7-a Visualizing proposed grading design
by constructing a scaled study model
Courtesy of jiesi luo, MlA students, rrslA, lsu.
Figures 7.7-B Amphitheater space, Tavira, Portugal
The spacing of the lines—lines drawn close together or far apart—
indicates the relative steepness of slopes in a landscape. Contours also
represent the sculptural, three-dimensional shape of the land, such as a
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