Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
18. 1992
C. J. Benham
Superhelical coil-induced strand separations (called Stress-Induced DNA duplex
Destabilizations, or SIDDs ) occur in DNA duplexes predominantly at 5 0 and 3 0
regulatory sites
19. 1994
Stanford University
The first genome-wide analysis of RNA functions was made possible through the
invention of cDNA microarrays
20. 2007
ENCODE Project
Regions of the DNA coding for distinct proteins may overlap ¼ > genes are one
long continuum (ENCODE Project Consortium 2007; Gerstein et al. 2007)
21. 2009
S. Ji
(1) Genes ¼ Dissipatons ¼ Functions
(2) Dissipatons ¼ Equilibrons + Processes + Mechanisms
(3) Prigoginian genes ¼ WC genes + Free Energy
(4) Conformons are Prigoginian genes residing in biopolymers (sequence
information being WC genes) (Chap. 8 )
(5) IDSs are Prigoginian genes residing in the cytosol (molecular structures
of solutes being WC genes) (Chap. 9 )
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