Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The overwrite argument specifies if you want to overwrite the composite
already deployed to the server and the forceDefault argument specifies if
you want this revision to be set as the default revision once it is deployed. The
overwrite flag has to be specified if the composite is already deployed with
the same revision number in the same partition. For first time deployments, spe-
cifying the overwrite flag is optional.
Undeploying a composite via ant
A composite can be undeployed via ant as well. On Linux, this is done by simply
running the following command:
ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml undeploy -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DcompositeName=HelloWorld -Dpartition=default -revision=1.0
Exporting MDS artifacts with ant
The MDS, or Metadata Store, is a database-based repository, which stores vari-
ous artifacts that can be referenced from within your SOA code. This can include
shared schemas (that is, XSD files), WSDLs, fault policies and bindings, domain
value maps (DVMs) , configuration files, and more.
Often, it is necessary to export the contents of the MDS either for backup, export,
or management purposes. Fortunately, Oracle has provided an ant target that
allows the easy export of MDS contents into a single JAR file. Once the JAR file
is exported, it can be unzipped to your local filesystem and browsed through any
file browser.
This command demonstrates how to execute ant to export the contents of your
entire MDS to a single JAR file:
ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml exportSharedData -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DjarFile=SOAMetaData.jar -Dpattern=**
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