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ject's ~/deploy subdirectory. This JAR file can then either be manually de-
ployed via Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control as we have
demonstrated earlier in this chapter, or through ant as shown in this section.
Packaging a composite via ant
The process of packaging a composite is equivalent to using the Make com-
mand in JDeveloper. The composite project is validated, compiled, and eventu-
ally built into a single deployable JAR file.
To package the HelloWorld composite application in Linux, simply run:
ant -f ant-sca-package.xml package -DcompositeDir=$CODE/HelloWorld -DcompositeName=HelloWorld -Drevision=1.0
If no errors are encountered, you should expect to find the
sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar under the $CODE/HelloWorld/deploy
Deploying a composite via ant
Now that the composite application is packaged, the SAR (or JAR file) can be
deployed. The ant command references the path to the SAR directly (in Linux)
as shown:
ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml deploy -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DsarLocation=$CODE/HelloWorld/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar -Dpartition=default -Doverwrite=true -DforceDefault=true
As shown in these examples, the server URL, username, and password to the
Oracle SOA Suite 11g runtime environment must be supplied. The fully qualified
path to the SAR file must be provided in the sarLocation argument. Similar
to deploying to the console, you must specify the partition to which you want to
deploy. If a partition is not specified then the composite is deployed to the default
partition. In this example, you can see that we do not provide a revision for the
composite. This is because the revision was already specified during compila-
tion (that is, packaging) time.
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