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When the advanced button is pressed, the advanced options are enabled on the GUI by means
of the next subroutine.
Private Sub AdvancedButton_Click()
'Enable Frame, Button, & Textbox
frmAdvBrowse.AdvOptFrame.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.Initial_Button.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.StartPath_Text.Enabled = True
'Enable all Checkboxes
frmAdvBrowse.AllowDirEntryCheck.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.CenterDBCheck.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.NewStyleCheck.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.ShowFilesCheck.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.ShowStatusCheck.Enabled = True
frmAdvBrowse.ValidateEntryCheck.Enabled = True
End Sub
Setting the initial path for the advanced browse mode is accomplished in the same manner as
the original directory choosing the example, with the following subroutine.
Private Sub Initial_Button_Click()
'Utilize the Browse Dialog Box to Return Directory into TextBox
frmAdvBrowse.StartPath_Text.Text = BrowseForDirectory
End Sub
Using the example for the advanced method of “Browse for Folder” is accomplished with the
following subroutine, which is activated when the “Choose Directory” button is pressed. The
subroutine utilizes information obtained from the GUI to make advanced calls to the BrowseSpecDir
Private Sub Browse_Button_Click()
'Check for Valid Initial Directory
If DirectoryExists(frmAdvBrowse.StartPath_Text.Text) = False Then
MsgBox "Initial Directory is not valid!", vbExclamation +
vbOKOnly, "Invalid Directory"
Exit Sub
End If
'Utilize the Advanced Options with the Browse Dialog Box to
Return Directory into TextBox
frmAdvBrowse.Path_TextBox.Text =
SteroidBrowse(frmAdvBrowse.StartPath_Text.Text, _
frmAdvBrowse.AllowDirEntryCheck.Value, _
frmAdvBrowse.ValidateEntryCheck.Value, _
frmAdvBrowse.ShowStatusCheck.Value, _
frmAdvBrowse.ShowFilesCheck.Value, _
frmAdvBrowse.NewStyleCheck.Value, _
End Sub
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