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FIGURE 2.11 The “New Style” Browse for Folder dialog box.
it is unable to display a status bar, so this option is irrelevant if the “use new browse style” option
is checked.
As with all applications, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes code that enable this application to
function in the manner that it does. When the GUI is first shown, the simple option button is chosen
as default by means of the following code snippet.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
frmAdvBrowse.SimpleButton.Value = True
End Sub
When the simple button is clicked, manually or in code as is the case with the
UserForm_Activate subroutine just shown, the following subroutine is executed to disable
the advanced options on the GUI.
Private Sub SimpleButton_Click()
'Disable Frame, Button, & Textbox
frmAdvBrowse.AdvOptFrame.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.Initial_Button.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.StartPath_Text.Enabled = False
'Disable all Checkboxes
frmAdvBrowse.AllowDirEntryCheck.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.CenterDBCheck.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.NewStyleCheck.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.ShowFilesCheck.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.ShowStatusCheck.Enabled = False
frmAdvBrowse.ValidateEntryCheck.Enabled = False
End Sub
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