Environmental Engineering Reference
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instances where a material with a higher EE is justified when the life cycle
costs that also include maintenance and replacement costs are taken into
account. For instance, an aluminum window with an EE ~ 5500 (MJ/m 2 )
and a carbon emission (GWP) 279 (kg/m 2 ) will have several times the
service lifetime of a comparable wooden window with the lower EE of
approximately 230-490 (MJ/m 2 ) and a GWP of only 12-25 (kg/m 2 )
(Hammond andJones,2008a). Similarly, amaterial withahigherEEmight
be justified when a smaller quantity of it can be used to provide the same
functionalityasthematerialitreplaces.Inanyeventasdiscussedin Chapter
2 , other criteria such as associated externalities including the embedded
carbon emissions and reusability of materials need to be considered.
Estimates of EE for different plastics (US data) are shown in Figure 4.9 . The
estimates for common plastics are not that different from each other and
generally amount to about 75-100 GJ/ton of resin manufactured. 10 This
and on the technology used can be somewhat different in other parts of
the world. For instance, the comparable energy calculations in the
PlasticsEurope database are 4-13% lower for common plastics such as PE,
PP, PVC, and PS. The cradle-to-gate values for EE in the figure for neat
plastics resins will change if they are compounded with additives.
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