Information Technology Reference
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Figure 1. Roles in the online learning environment
individuals take on roles because of a particular
interest or skills. Associated with the role are ex-
pectations that a person will behave in a particular
way. For example, a teacher and a student both have
particular complementary roles and there are expec-
tations of how both will behave. In learning groups,
roles can develop informally or alternatively, roles
can be assigned to group members. This has the
advantage of creating positive interdependence
and ensures that there are no “free riders” i.e. a
situation where one person carries responsibility
for the work. Some of the online roles are outlined
in Figure 1. These group work concepts were used
in the design of the case examples.
A group facilitator keeps the group on task and
time ensuring that all the work is complete.
A recorder , acts like a secretary who keeps
the records and prepare the material completed
by the group.
A summarizer condenses the main points in
a discussion and encapsulates it in a clear state-
An elaborator uses their understanding of
theory and practice and makes links between
these ideas.
A researcher/ investigator finds any resource
or library material necessary to complete the
task; and
A wildcard is the member who can slot into
any of the above positions to enable the group to
continue functioning (Millis and Cottell, 1998,
internet tecHnologieS for
collaborative learning
Internet technologies provide a global and acces-
sible platform for knowledge creation and sharing
as well as communication. Many of these tech-
nologies are generic communication tools such as
email, weblogs, discussion forums and webcasts
whilst others have been specially developed or
customized for a particular collaborative learn-
ing activity.
Some technologies to support online collabora-
tive learning require a funded project approach.
A team effort, significant funding, the support
of technical expertise and project management
are all essential components of these endeavors.
Gay et al. (1999) describe a technology that has
been specifically crafted for online collaborative
learning. The CoNote system is a web based
document annotation system in which a document
becomes the object of discussion. The document
is drafted by an individual student and the shared
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