Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Array Bounds Check Elimination
When indexing an array, we must check that the index is within bounds. For example, in
our example of matrix multiplication, in the assignment
The i and j must be tested to make sure each is greater than or equal than zero, and less
than 1,000. And this must be done for each of c , a , and b . But if we know that a , b , and c
are all of like dimensions, then once the check is done for a , it need not be repeated for b
and c . Given that the inner loop in our earlier matrix multiplication example is executed
one million times, we have saved two million checks!
Again, a clever compiler can analyze the context in which the statement
is executed (for example, within a nested for-loop) and show that the indices are never out
of bounds. When the arrays for a , b and c are created in a loop header's dominator, this is
straightforward; other more complicated control graphs may warrant more extensive data-
flow analysis (below). Moreover, an array index operation such as a[i] can be registered
in the hash table, ensuring that subsequent occurrences, in the same basic block or in
subsequent blocks where the operation is not involved in a Phi function, need not be re-
Null Check Elimination
Every time we send a message to an object, or access a field of an object, we must insure
that the object is not the special null object. For example, in
we will want to make sure that a is non-null before computing the offset to the field f . But
we may know that a is non-null; for example, we may have already checked it as in the
Once we have done the null-check for
there is no reason to do it again for either a.g or a.h .
Again, the ids of checked operands can be stored in the hash tables attached to blocks.
If they are found subsequently, they need not be checked again.
A Need for Data-Flow Analysis
The HIR does not expose every opportunity for optimization, particularly those involving
back branches (in loops); for this to happen we would need full data-flow analysis where
we compute where in the code computed values remain valid. We use data-flow analysis in
Section 7.4.1 to compute such liveness intervals for virtual registers (variables) in the LIR as
a prerequisite to register allocation; look there for a detailed data-flow analysis algorithm.
On the other hand, the HIR does expose many opportunities for optimization, partic-
ularly for the effort involved. The amount of code improvement achieved in proportion to
the time spent is important in a just-in-time (or hot spot) compiler such as we use for
processing JVM code.
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