Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 10.50 Comparison between NGI and FSI for measures of TEM and FPM <5.0μm reported by
Després-Gnis and Williams (error bars correspond to ±1 SD) ( From [ 48 ]— courtesy of G. Williams )
Fig. 10.51 FSI performance with and without stage coating reported by Després-Gnis and
Williams (error bars correspond to ±1 SD) ( From [ 48 ]— courtesy of G. Williams )
proved unnecessary with a single actuation of the DPI, based on comparative tests
showing no statistical difference between TEM and FPF <5.0μm measured with and
without the application of a standard stage coating prepared from a solution of 1%
v/v glycerol in ethanol (Fig. 10.51 ).
Nevertheless, even though these differences were not statistically significant,
mean TEM with coating (207.2
g/actuation) was numerically greater than the cor-
responding value uncoated (190.2
g/actuation) suggesting that further examina-
tion of the stage coating methodology might still be beneficial, possibly resorting
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