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N is normally pronounced as in English, but when it's
followed by “h” it becomes “ ny ”. S o sonho (dream)
sounds like “SON-yoo”.
Q always comes before “u” and is pronounced either
k ” or, more usually, “ kw ”. S o cinquenta (fifty) is
pronounced “sin-KWEN-ta”, but quero (I want) is
pronounced “KE-roo”.
R is usually as in English. However, at the beginning
of a word it's pronounced like an English “ h ”. So “Rio”
is actually pronounced “HEE-oo”, and rádio (radio) is
pronounced “HA-djee-oo”.
RR is always pronounced like an English “ h ”. S o ferro is
pronounced “FE-hoo”.
S is normally pronounced like an English “ s ”, and in São
Paulo and the South this never changes. But in Rio
and many places to the north, “ s ” sounds like English
sh ” when it comes before a consonant and at the
end of a word ( estação ; “esh-ta-SOWNG”).
T is normally pronounced as in English but, like “d”,
it changes before “i” and final “e”. So sorte (luck) is
pronounced “SOR-chee”, and the great hero of Brazilian
history, Tiradentes, is pronounced “chee-ra-DEN-chees”.
X is pronounced like an English “ sh ” at the beginning
of a word, and elsewhere like an English “ x ” or “ z ”.
So xadrez (chess) is pronounced “sha-DREYZ”, while
exército (army) is pronounced “e-ZER-si-too”.
Any word that has an accent of any kind, including a tilde, is stressed on that syllable,
so miséria (poverty) is pronounced “mi-ZE-ree-a”. If there is no accent, the following
rules generally apply (the syllables to be stressed are in capitals):
• Words that end with the vowels a, e and o are stressed on the penultimate syllable.
So entre (between) sounds like “EN-tree”, and compro (I buy) “KOM-proo”. This
also applies when these vowels are followed by -m, -s or -ns: falam is stressed
• Words that end with the vowels i and u are stressed on the final syllable: abacaxi
(pineapple) is pronounced “a-ba-ka-ZEE”. This also applies when i and u are followed
by -m, -s or -ns, so capim is pronounced “ka-PEENG”.
• Words ending in consonants are usually stressed on the final syllable, eg rapaz (boy),
stressed “ha-PAZ”.
Some useful examples:
Rio de Janeiro HEE-oo djee zha-NEY-roo
Belo Horizonte BE-loo o-ri-ZON-chee
Rio Grande do Sul HEE-oo GRAN-djee doo Soow
Recife he-SEE-fee
rodoviária ho-do-vee-A-ree-a
onde (where) ON-djee
não entende (he doesn't understand) now en-TEN-
sim (yes) SEENG (but hardly sound the final “g”)
ruim (bad) hoo-WEENG (again hardly sound the “g”)
vinte (twenty) VEEN-chee
correio (post o ce) co-HAY-oo
Brazilian Portuguese words and phrases
Yes, No
Sim, Não
Good, Bad
Bom, Ruim
Por favor
Big, Small
Grande, Pequeno
Thank you
Obrigado (men)/
A little, A lot
Um pouco, Muito
Obrigada (women)
More, Less
Mais, Menos
Where, When
Onde, Quando
What, How much
Que, Quanto
Today, Tomorrow
Hoje, Amanhã
This, These
That one, Those
Mas (pronounced like
Now, Later
Agora, Mais tarde
Open, Closed
Aberto/a, Fechado/a
E (pronounced like “ee” in
Entrance, Exit
Entrada, Saída
Pull, Push
Puxe, Empurre
Something, Nothing
Alguma coisa, Nada
With, Without
Com, Sem
Ás vezes
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