Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Define comparable energy related key values (kWh/m 2 , kWh  per
person, kWh per apartment, kWh per produced unit etc.) and
develop a common procedure for an 'energy performance certificate'
5. Design, construct and operate a solar decathlon (building) that can
meet rural and desert requirements and save diminishing fossil fuel
9.3 Laws, Codes and Standards
9.3.1 Building Mechanical Systems
Prescriptive Option Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
This section specifies requirements for heating, ventilating and air-
conditioning equipment efficiencies.
The heating, ventilating and air conditioning shall comply with Section 5 of
Egyptian Energy Efficiency Commercial Building Code (EEECBC) [6] with
the following modifications and additions:
Minimum Equipment Efficiencies
Projects shall comply with one of the following:
1. Energy Code Baseline. Products with minimum efficiencies
addressed in the HVAC Egyptian Code [6] provided that the build-
ing project contains:
a. On-site renewable energy systems with 1.5 times the mini-
mum  capacity of that specified in Building Renewable Energy
Systems [6].
Peak load reduction systems with twice the peak load reduction
specified in Peak Load Reduction/Load Factor. Building projects
shall contain automatic systems such as demand limiting or
load shifting to reduce Electric Peak demand of the building by
not less than 5%. Standby power generation shall not be used to
achieve the reduction in peak capacity.
2. Higher Efficiency. For those products where there is an Energy
Saving programme, the minimum efficiency shall be the greater of
the Energy Star requirements [5]. For other products, the equipment
efficiency shall be a minimum of the values in Tables 9.1 through 9.7.
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