Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
List of Energy-Related Standards and Aspects in Buildings
ISO Standards
Thermal characteristics
Building components
ISO 6946, 10292, 13370,
10077, 13789
Calculations of design heat load
ISO 13790, 13786
Air-conditioning installation
Cooling load, efficiency
Orientation of buildings, outdoor climate
ISO 13790, 15927
Climatic data
ISO 9050
possible should be used to cover the different building categories. It may,
however, be necessary to use more than one model, depending on the
desired output and accuracy.
A simplified calculation method for cooling load and cooling energy use
including efficiency losses should be established. Work in this field has just
started internationally. The terms 'air leakage', which is used in conjunction
with the building envelope, and 'air infiltration', which is used in ventilation
design, should be coordinated because they effectively mean the same thing.
Areas where information on logistics is missing are those for natural and
hybrid ventilation systems—where calculation guidelines are missing.
A comprehensive calculation method should clearly include
1. Method to build up internal gains by adding individual components
from the bottom up.
2. Built-in lighting could be included, with the possibility of giving
credit for natural lighting in this approach.
3. Calculation of energy supply from solar water heating and solar
heating systems, including active seasonal storage or the use of other
renewable energy sources such as wind and geothermal.
4. Indication of the bases for specific real energy use compared to
design energy use.
5. Energy use normalisation criteria, such as kWh/m 2 , for benchmark-
ing purposes; a clear definition of which m 2 to be used is necessary.
6.1.3 Need for Further Development
The present work opens the field for further investigation to focus on some
issues that have to be developed before the preparation and implementation
of an energy directive for Egypt:
1. Cooling load and energy use for cooling.
2. If we assume lighting has high priority, a method to calculate all
internal gains should be developed.
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