Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.1
How to manage third-party build targets.
General group under Configuration Properties (see Figure 4.2), and you
ll be able to
select the Output and Intermediate directories.
The Intermediate directory is set to where you want all of your OBJ and other inter-
mediate build files to be saved. Visual Studio has defined the macro $(Configuration-
Name) to separate intermediate files in directories with the configuration name, such
as Debug or Release, but there
s an important improvement. I also like to add the
macro $(ProjectName)$(PlatformName)$(Configuration)
to separate the compile
results of each project, platform, and configuration.
Include The Compiler Version In Your Project File Names
Since this topic has been in constant publication since 2003, I also like to name the Visual Studio
projects to include the compiler version, such as GameCode4_2008 for Visual Studio 2008 or
GameCode4_2010 for Visual Studio 2010. That enables me to use the same directory structure to hold
simultaneous builds from multiple compilers, which can be extremely convenient if you are making
engine code.
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