Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The question “The service was my first choice
to kill time” indicates that photo sharing is still not
the main use case for the participants to kill time.
This is quite natural as the participants commented
that they were not normally using such services
with their mobile devices. Still, Image Exchange
scored significantly better in this question as well
when the user accessed it. In Gallery, the user
needed to check, if the collection was recently
updated. In the worst case, he needed to do the
updating manually and wait for several minutes
to see the latest online images.
Also, the task “Publishing images on mobile”
(p=0.004) scored clearly better in Image Exchange
as the image collection was always in sync be-
tween the mobile application and the service.
There was no need for separately uploading an
image before it could be published but the user
could just publish it immediately. However, some
participants had problems with uploading due
to network problems, which in turn lowered the
score for the task “Uploading image to service”
(p=0.244, not significant).
On the contrary, Gallery did not offer any infor-
mation whether the image was already uploaded
to the service. Many times the sending was inter-
rupted and had to be reinitiated, as there was no
automatic resending. Furthermore, the participants
commented that the uploading was quite easy but
irritatingly slow. The participants needed to update
every section manually if they wanted to get up-
to-date information. In addition, comments were
not always up-to-date as the updating occurred at
certain intervals or only manually. This resulted in
the participants adding comments to a discussion,
Usability Evaluation
After executing one of the daily tasks, the partici-
pants gave their ratings about how easy it was to
complete the task indicating the usability factors
related to the task. The results of the task ratings
are shown in Figure 8. A sample rating question
was presented in the Procedure chapter.
Image Exchange scored significantly better in
two tasks: “Registration” (p=0.002) and “Brows-
ing of published images on phone” (p=0.039). As
explained in the previous chapter, the registration
in Image Exchange was simple and completed
with one click while in Gallery, the registration
process was complex. The participants highly
appreciated the easiness of our solution and rated
it high. The browsing of published imaged on the
phone scored well in Image Exchange because
the online image collection was always up-to-date
Figure 8. The results of the task ratings with standard deviation
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