Java Reference
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However, files are usually created by FileOutputStream or FileWriter ob-
jects or RandomAccessFile objects, not using File objects.
Two methods let you change the state of the underlying file, assuming
that one exists:
public boolean setLastModified(long time)
Sets the "last modified" time for the file or returns false if it
cannot do so.
public boolean setReadOnly()
Makes the underlying file unmodifiable in the file system or
returns false if it cannot do so. The file remains unmodifiable
until it is deleted or externally marked as modifiable again-
there is no method for making it modifiable again.
There are methods for listing the contents of directories and finding out
about root directories:
public String[] list()
Lists the files in this directory. If used on something that isn't
a directory, it returns null . Otherwise, it returns an array of
file names. This list includes all files in the directory except
the equivalent of "." and ".." (the current and parent direct-
ory, respectively).
public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter)
Uses filter to selectively list files in this directory (see File-
nameFilter described in the next section).
public static File[] listRoots()
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