Java Reference
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Returns the file length in bytes, or zero if the file does not ex-
public boolean renameTo(File newName)
Renames the file, returning true if the rename succeeded.
public boolean delete()
Deletes the file or directory named in this File object, return-
ing true if the deletion succeeded. Directories must be empty
before they are deleted.
There are methods to create an underlying file or directory named by
the current File :
public boolean createNewFile()
Creates a new empty file, named by this File . Returns false
if the file already exists or if the file cannot be created. The
check for the existence of the file and its subsequent creation
is performed atomically with respect to other file system op-
public boolean mkdir()
Creates a directory named by this File , returning TRue on suc-
public boolean mkdirs()
Creates all directories in the path named by this File , return-
ing TRue if all were created. This is a way to ensure that a
particular directory is created, even if it means creating other
directories that don't currently exist above it in the directory
hierarchy. Note that some of the directories may have been
created even if false is returned.
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