Java Reference
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Equivalent to ordinaryChars(ch,ch) .
public void commentChar(int ch)
The character ch starts a single-line commentcharacters after
ch up to the next end-of-line are treated as one run of
public void quoteChar(int ch)
Matching pairs of the character ch delimit String constants.
When a String constant is recognized, the character ch is re-
turned as the token, and the field sval contains the body
of the string with surrounding ch characters removed. When
string constants are read, some of the standard \ processing
is applied (for example, \t can be in the string). The string
processing in StreamTokenizer is a subset of the language's
strings. In particular, you cannot use \u xxxx , \' , \" , or (un-
fortunately) \Q , where Q is the quote character ch . You can
have more than one quote character at a time on a stream,
but strings must start and end with the same quote character.
In other words, a string that starts with one quote character
ends when the next instance of that same quote character is
found. If a different quote character is found in between, it is
simply part of the string.
public void parseNumbers()
Specifies that numbers should be parsed as double-precision
floating-point numbers. When a number is found, the stream
returns a type of TT_NUMBER , leaving the value in nval . There
is no way to turn off just this featureto turn it off you must
either invoke ordinaryChars for all the number-related charac-
ters (don't forget the decimal point and minus sign) or invoke
resetSyntax .
public void resetSyntax()
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