Java Reference
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The attribute file uses '#' to mark comments. Ignoring these comments,
the stream is searched for a string token followed by an optional '='
followed by a word or number. Each such attribute is put into an Attr
object, which is added to a set of attributes in an AttributedImpl object.
When the file has been parsed, the set of attributes is returned.
Setting the comment character to '#' sets its character class. The token-
izer recognizes several character classes that are set by the following
public void wordChars(int low, int hi)
Characters in this range are word characters: They can be
part of a TT_WORD token. You can invoke this several times with
different ranges. A word consists of one or more characters
inside any of the legal ranges.
public void whitespaceChars(int low, int hi)
Characters in this range are whitespace. Whitespace is ig-
nored, except to separate tokens such as two consecutive
words. As with the wordChars range, you can make several
invocations, and the union of the invocations is the set of
whitespace characters.
public void ordinaryChars(int low, int hi)
Characters in this range are ordinary. An ordinary character
is returned as itself, not as a token. This removes any special
significance the characters may have had as comment char-
acters, delimiters, word components, whitespace, or number
characters. In the above example, we used ordinaryChar to re-
move the special comment significance of the '/' character.
public void ordinaryChar(int ch)
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