Java Reference
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19.2.9. @since
The @since tag lets you specify an arbitrary version specification that de-
notes when the tagged entity was added to your system.
@since 2.1
Tagging the "birth version" can help you track which entities are newer
and therefore may need intensified documentation or testing. By con-
vention an @since tag on a class or interface applies to all members of
the class or interface that don't have their own @since tag. For example,
if the above @since tag preceded a class, then all constructors, fields,
and methods of that class would be presumed to have been present in
version 2.1 except any that had, for example, an @since2.2 tag of its
19.2.10. {@literal} and {@code}
The {@literal text } in-line tag causes text to be printed exactly as is,
without being interpreted as HTML source. This means that you can use
& , < , and > rather than &amp; , &lt; , and &gt; .
The {@code text } in-line tag behaves exactly like {@literal text } except
that text is printed in code font. You'd get the same effect wrapping the
{@literal text } tag in <code> and </code> HTML tags.
These in-line tags are exceedingly convenient for writing about generic
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