Java Reference
In-Depth Information
19.2.11. {@value}
The {@value static-field-name } tag is replaced by the actual value of the
specified constant static field. This tag uses the same member syntax as
the @see tag. For example, if a doc comment contained the text:
The valid range is 0 to {@value java.lang.Short#MAX_VALUE}.
Then the generated text would be
The valid range is 0 to 32767.
As a convenience, the value of the constant static field being documen-
ted can be referred to by {@value} , with no field name. For example, giv-
/** The default capacity of a new queue ({@value}). */
static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;
the generated text would be
The default capacity of a new queue (10).
When specifying a particular field member, be careful not to leave any
whitespace between the member name and the closing } because it will
be treated as part of the name.
All constant fields are documented on the "Constant Field Values" page,
generated by the javadoc tool.
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