Java Reference
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A parameterized Class type is known as the type token for a given class.
The easiest way to obtain a type token is to use a class literal, such as
String.class , since this provides you with the exact type token. In con-
trast, Class.forName is declared to return a wildcard, Class<?> , that rep-
resents an unidentified type tokento use this type token effectively you
need to establish its actual type, as you'll soon see. The Object method
getClass returns the type token for the type of object it is invoked on,
and its return type is also Class<?> , another wildcard. However, getClass
receives special treatment by the compiler: If getClass is invoked on a
reference with static type T , then the compiler treats the return type of
getClass as being Class<?extends T> . [1] So this works:
[1] It actually treats it as being Class<? extends S> , where S is the erasure of T . Parameterized types
share the same Class object so the erasure is used to remove any parameterized types from the wild-
card's bounds. For example, given List<String> l , then l.getClass() has the type Class<? extends
List> .
String str = "Hello";
Class<String> c1 = String.class; // exact type token
Class<? extends String> c2 =
str.getClass(); // compiler magic
but this won't compile:
Class<? extends String> c3 =
Class.forName("java.lang.String"); // INVALID
Taking an unknown type token Class<?> and turning it into a type token
of a known type is a common action when working with reflection. What
you need is something that acts like a cast, but as you already know,
you can't perform casts involving parameterized types. The solution to
this is another piece of "magic" in the shape of the asSubclass method of
class Class :
public <T> Class<? extends T> asSubclass(Class<T> subType)
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