Java Reference
In-Depth Information
16.1. The Class Class
There is a Class object for every type. This includes each class, enum, in-
terface, annotation, array, and the primitive types. There is also a special
Class object representing the keyword void . These objects can be used
for basic queries about the type and, for the reference types, to create
new objects of that type.
The Class class is the starting point for reflection. It also provides a tool to
manipulate classes, primarily for creating objects of types whose names
are specified by strings, and for loading classes using specialized tech-
niques, such as across the network. We look in more detail at class load-
ing in Section 16.13 on page 435 .
You get a Class object in four ways: ask an object for its Class object us-
ing its getClass method; use a class literal (the name of the class followed
by .class , as in String.class ); look it up by its fully qualified name (all
packages included) using the static method Class.forName ; or get it from
one of the reflection methods that return Class objects for nested classes
and interfaces (such as Class.getClasses ).
15.7.1. Type Tokens
Class is a generic class, declared as Class<T> . Each Class object for a ref-
erence type is of a parameterized type corresponding to the class it rep-
resents. For example, the type of String.class is Class<String> , the type
of Integer.class is Class<Integer> , and so forth. The type of the Class ob-
ject for a primitive type is the same type as that of its corresponding
wrapper class. For example, the type of int.class is Class<Integer> , but
note that int.class and Integer.class are two different instances of the
same type of class. Parameterized types all share the Class object of their
raw typefor example, the Class object for List<Integer> is the same as
that for List<String> and the same as that for List.class , and its type is
Class<List> .
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