Java Reference
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use it to describe the type of the array. And the way you introduce new
type variables in a method is to declare the method as a generic meth-
You declare a generic method by defining type variables between the
method modifiers and the method return type, much as you would de-
clare type variables for a generic class or interface. Here is how you
would actually define toArray as a generic method:
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] arr) {
Object[] tmp = arr;
int i = 0;
for (Cell<E> c = head;
c != null && i < arr.length;
c = c.getNext())
tmp[i++] = c.getElement();
return arr;
Notice that the type variable T is only used in the method header to con-
strain the parameter type and the return type to be the samewithin the
method body we don't really care what type T is. But also note that in
the method body we actually work with a local variable of type Object[] ,
which refers to the actual array that is passed in. This is necessary be-
cause the array is of type T , but getElement returns E , and these are not
the same type T may be Object while E is String . We could cast E to T for
the cast must succeed if T and E are compatible, but such a cast would
be an unchecked cast and would produce a compiler warningsee " Eras-
ure at Runtime " on page 267 s o we bypass the problem by using the Ob-
ject[] variable.
By now you may be asking yourself: "Shouldn't there be some restric-
tion between the types T and E , since they must be compatible?" Logic-
ally, there could be such a restriction: T must be E or a supertype of E .
Unfortunately, there is no way to express this restriction. Only wildcards
can be given a lower type bound, so you cannot write <Tsuper E> as a
type variable. In any case, such a restriction is not strictly necessary.
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